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Curriculum Intent 

Our computing curriculum aims to provide pupils with a broad experience of computer science, information technology and digital literacy skills and knowledge. Pupils learn how to use technology safely, become critical thinkers and how to be creators of new technology. Our curriculum reflects changes in the national curriculum and the world at large to provide pupils with the technical literacy skills they need to succeed in the digitally driven world of tomorrow. In this way they will be equipped to live ‘life in all its fullness’.


When a pupil leaves St. George’s, they will have a broad range of experiences in the following areas:


  • Pupils make use of computer science to: code; use logical reasoning to fix bugs and solve problems; use algorithms; understand computers and networks.
  • Pupils become digitally literate citizens: stay safe online; conduct themselves responsibly online; understand the importance of privacy; make effective use of the World Wide Web.
  • Pupils use information technology to: support learning through the use of Microsoft office tools; save and retrieve information efficiently; create, edit and present through image, film, animation and sound.


Computing Coding Skills Map

Computing E-safety Skills Map

Computing IT Skills Map