Year 5
On this page we will keep you up to date with class newsletters, key dates and photos of exciting things we have been up to.
Teachers - Mrs Fielden (Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs Zihni (Wednesday - Friday)
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Cox, Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Palmer
Email contact -
Important Information
Books can be checked out of the library and children are able to choose from a range of genres; staff will support with this when needed. Please continue to read daily whenever possible – aim for 30 minutes a day. We’ve been really pleased with the improvement that lots of children have made with their reading and your support with this is invaluable. Please remember, reading books are to be brought into school every day.
PE days are Wednesday (swimming) and Friday- children should come to school in their PE kits and trainers on these days. They can also wear PE kits if attending after school club.
Homework expectations
Homework will be given out on a Friday and will be due back the following Wednesday. Each week your child will also be given some spellings to practise on EdShed. Please get in touch if this isn't working. Times tables practice is still essential.
Our new topic is ‘Magnificent Mountains’ and we will be comparing the human and physical features of Worcester with Grenoble. We will learn about the formation and variety of mountains globally.
Useful links
Here are some links that can assist with learning and practising your times tables as well as other maths skills:
Year 5 had to research a planet of their choice for homework. Here is some of their fantastic work!