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Health and Well-being

Being healthy and happy is fundamental to life and it is only when these building blocks are in place that children can learn effectively. 

At St George's, we believe that supporting the whole family is a vital part of what we do.

On the page we have collected some links and resources to help you.


The Wellbeing and Emotional Support Team

This is a new service from the NHS in partnership with schools whereby a worker is allocated to a school in order to support with mental well-being for pupils. The purpose of the service is to provide support for low level mental health problems such as anxiety and low mood. Our worker is Kalim Bryan and he will be in school once a week, working with groups and individuals

WEST Autumn Newsletter 2023




Parent Support

Well-being parent pack

For specific agencies for support, please view our Help and Support for Families.

Finally, we are here for you, you can talk to your child's classteacher or our SENDCo, Mrs Waits, or Mrs Norris our headteacher