

GSO Test

Friends of St George's CE Primary School

The Friends of St George’s are a group of parents that work together for the benefit of the children at the school.

We aim to:

  • Raise extra funds for the school so that additional equipment and resources can be purchased.
  • Organise fun, all-inclusive social events that pupils, parents and the local community can enjoy.
  • Give parents a chance to share their skills, ideas and views.

The money raised by the Friends has funded playground equipment, whole-school pantomime visits, sports kits, books and classroom resources.

Events we have organised in the last few years have included Christmas and Summer Fairs, non-uniform days, cake sales, a Rags2Riches textile collection, and Tea and Tissues coffee mornings on the first day of term. We’re always keen to add to this list!

The Friends of St George’s rely on the support and involvement of parents. If you would like to know more or have a suggestion for a fundraising event, please contact us on Facebook or email us at We’d love to hear from you!
