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School Uniform

We expect children to attend school in an appropriate uniform.  Many items, with the school logo, can be ordered through our uniform supplier Mapac. Please find below a link to their website.

Mapac Website - St George's CE Primary School

If you wish to purchase school uniform without our school logo there are a number of outlets that sell school uniform on the high street as well as in supermarkets.

Please find below details of St George's CE Primary Schools required uniform

Autumn and Spring Term Uniform

Red jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without the school logo).

Dark grey trousers, grey skirt or a pinafore dress.

White shirt.

Red and grey striped tie.

Black shoes (strong, sturdy and sensible – Trainers are not acceptable)

Black boots (strong, sturdy and sensible, an optional in bad, cold weather)

Summer Term Uniform

Red jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without the school logo).

Red polo shirt (with or without the school logo)

Dark grey shorts, grey skirt or a red and white checked summer dress.

Black shoes (strong, sturdy and sensible – Trainers are not acceptable).

P.E kit

Shorts or jogging trousers (unbranded and dark in colour such as black, grey)

Red t-shirt (with or without the school logo)

Black plimsolls



Earrings – from a health and safety viewpoint, we do not encourage any of our children to wear earrings. When wearing earrings a maximum of one pair of small, flat, gold or silver studs (not hoops) should be worn.

For P.E/Games, children should be able to remove the earrings themselves.

No rings or necklaces (unless for religious reasons).


Long hair should be tied back whilst at school

School colour headbands

No nail decoration or makeup

A hat can be worn in sunny weather

Children should always come to school with a weather appropriate coat.

Click here to order Stikins name labels and raise money for the school.