Welcome to the Year 6 homepage
Teaching Team: Mrs Hopkirk & Mrs Lane, Mrs Congrave and Mrs Wood.
Teaching Days
Mrs Hopkirk: Monday, Thursday and Friday
Mrs Lane: Tuesday and Wednesday
Email contact - c.hopkirk@stgeorgesce.worcs.sch.uk
On the Year 6 page, you will find our latest class updates so please check in regularly to see our plans and for any important dates!
If you have any queries or questions, please feel free to email admin@stgeorgesce.worcs.sch.uk or send a note in with your child and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Important Information
In Year 6, homework will be set every Monday and it will need to be completed by the following Monday. If you get stuck on your homework, speak to one of your teachers as soon as you can and we can help!
This half term, our PE days will be Thursday and Friday with our Sports Coach. You need to come dressed in your school sports kit. Some children will swim on a Wednesday morning; parents of these children have been notified via ParentMail.
Useful Documents for Parents
Questions for Reading with your Child
Follow this link to find SATS Information and revision resources
Our main topic for the next half term will be based on Climate Change.
All children will have a school reading book. We ask that children read both independently and with an adult at home, ideally daily. This will continue to help develop your child's fluency and comprehension as well as encourage a love of reading!
Maths Games
Use the following links to assist with learning and practising your times tables as well as other maths skills.
Also, use your Purple Mash account to access more games like Monster Tables
Year 6 Learning
Design and Technology
Year 6 have designed and made waistcoats to fit their teddy bears. They considered their design brief and carefully cut fabric using a template.