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Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 page

Here you will find important updates and information about life in Year 4.


Teacher - Mr Tait

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Robinson

Email contact -


Welcome to Year 4

On this page, you will be able to find information about our weekly routines and further details about the what happens in year 4.

Year 4 is about developing the child to become more independent in their learning and beginning to grow to take more responsibility for themselves and their learning. They have moved on from being in the very capable care of Mrs Dove and should now be working on implementing their learning and making effective choices. As well as having fun.



Homework will be issued on a Wednesday, to be handed in the following Wednesday. It is expected that the children spend 20mins on each but if they wish to spend longer, that is their choice. Usually, the maths work will be connected to the work that they have been learning ion class that week and so they should be fairly confident with one of the sections that they can choose.

The English homework will be based on grammar or comprehension. Again, this should be for around 20minutes. Your child may complete the all of the exercises in that time but understanding of the concepts presented, at their own level is more important.

Times tables practice is a must. The children will be taking a national online test at the end of the year up to x12. they will have 25 questions to answer, using a keyboard to enter their answers; 6 seconds for each question.

Reading on a daily basis is strongly encouraged and we are lucky to have a wide range of reading materials at the children's disposal. 

Spelling lists will be given out on a Friday for the following Thursday. These lists are available on EdShed.


General Information 

Spring 1 newsletter


Useful Links

STEM Challenge 30.01.2025

On Thursday 30th Jan, year 4 were visited by STEM ambassador, Sarah Laylor. She explained to them that, TITAN manufacturers, from Kidderminster, manufacture hubs for industrial vehicles globally. The children were tasked with creating a model, in a style that TITAN's wheels would fit, that would haul or load.

The children had great fun and produced some super models.

Bea and Robyn were chosen by the panel of school judges to represent the school at the County final at Mazak engineering in June. We look forward to seeing how they fare.


DT 19.12.2024

As an end of term celebration and to conclude our DT focus for the half term, year 4 made their own sweet pastry and mince pies. They worked brilliantly and enjoyed tasting their delicious creations. 

In addition, they made Santa masks and welcomed the opening of the new gazebo, in the playground.

Good fun at the end of a long term!



History 05.12.2024

As part of our Roman study, we have been examining how roads were a major factor in mobilising  the Roman army and extending the Empire. In groups we read about how they were constructed and, in groups, constructed 'Roman style' roads from Lego. Can you spot the groma which is a tool that helped in keeping the road straight.

We had fun and learned a lot!



D.T 19.11.2024

Year 4 have been continuing their work on local seasonal cooking and their culinary skills this week- making Pumpkin soup!

We were able to use our science skills to examine the various parts of the pumpkin as well as looking at other plants in the 'squash' family.

We used our Maths skills: estimation, measuring, fractions, ratio and multiplication.

Also, we used our English skills to develop our cooking vocabulary, fluency of reading as well as looking at the structure of a recipe. We can all identify an imperative (bossy) verb now!



D.T 12.11.2024

Year 4 have been examining where our food comes from and what the meaning of seasonal foods is. We have used local apples which have no environmental impact in arriving at school and learnt kitchen skills to prepare and eat an apple crumble.  We were able to work as a team, use our maths skills and  a range of life skillls to be successful

We had great fun making it, (and even more fun eating it!)- Can you spot the ice cream in the pictures?



Science 07.11.2024

Year 4 have been problem solving in science. We have been working out what sort of materials would be good as sound insulators.

They have also been investigating pitch and how it what effects it.




Greek Day 05.11.2024

Recently, year 4 have immersed themselves in their Ancient Greece topic by participating in a Greek day. They dressed as Greeks, sampled Greek food, made Greek style pots; made laurel wreaths and participated in Olympic style events. They had great fun!



Science 22.11.2024

Year 4 have been investigating how sounds are made and observing where vibrations occur when the sounds are made. We tried to group together certain sounds to identify any patterns  in generating sounds.



Art 21.10.2024

In art, year 4 have been examining abstract and figurative sculpture, with a focus on the artist Barbara Hepworth. The following are the outcomes of the soap sculptures, in progress and the finished, carved articles.