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Our Christian Vision

As a Church of England school, our Christian Vision is “Although we are many parts, we are one body” (Romans 12:5). We believe that every member of our school community is unique and valued, with a vital role to play in contributing to a harmonious, inclusive, and flourishing whole. Together, we seek to celebrate our diversity while nurturing a shared sense of belonging, unity, and purpose.

Our Curriculum Vision

Inspired by “Life in all its fullness” (John 10:10), our curriculum is designed to enable children and our school community to live life in all its fullness—both now and in the future. We aim to foster personal growth and spiritual development, preparing children to thrive and make a positive impact on the world around them.

To help achieve this, we structure our curriculum around six half termly themes, each reflecting our Christian vision:

Autumn 1: Community and living well together – exploring the importance of unity, collaboration, and the value of each individual within our shared community.

Autumn 2: Dignity and respect – recognising the worth of every person, celebrating diversity, and treating others with kindness and compassion.

Spring 1: Appreciating our beautiful world – fostering a sense of wonder and responsibility for God’s creation.

Spring 2: Embracing changes and differences – encouraging adaptability, resilience, and respect for diversity in all its forms.

Summer 1: Learning from the past – reflecting on history, its lessons, and how it shapes our present and future.

Summer 2: Hope and aspiration – inspiring children to set goals, dream big, and work towards a positive future for themselves and others.


Our curriculum is rooted in Christian values, demonstrating the love of Jesus in all that we do. Guided by the Church of England’s vision for education as outlined in ‘Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good’ (2016) and ‘Vision Refresh’ (2021), we aim to ensure that our curriculum is high-quality, active, engaging, relevant, purposeful, varied, and responsive. We are committed to providing every child with opportunities to achieve and be successful while nurturing the four key elements of a Church of England education: wisdom, hope, community, and dignity. Through this, we inspire children to grow academically, personally, and spiritually, enabling them to flourish and live “life in all its fullness” (John 10:10).

Wisdom: through engaging and challenging learning opportunities, children develop the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions to help succeed in life.

Hope: our themes cultivate resilience and optimism, helping children embrace challenges and aspire to make a difference.

Community: grounded in the belief that we are “one body,” we create a culture of collaboration, mutual respect, and belonging.

Dignity: each child is valued as a unique individual made in the image of God, ensuring their gifts and potential are recognised and nurtured.

By integrating these Christian values with our termly themes, we aim to provide a rich and holistic education that encourages all children to live “life in all its fullness” (John 10:10). Our approach supports children in growing spiritually, emotionally, socially, and academically, respecting and valuing the beliefs and backgrounds of every individual while fostering a sense of unity and belonging as part of our diverse school community.


Whole School Curriculum Map