Year 3
Welcome to the Year 3 Page
We will share important information on here about trips, in-school activities and much more. Please keep scrolling to see pictures of children's work and other classroom activities.
Teachers - Mrs Dove (Monday - Wednesday)
Mrs Hemsworth (Thursday -Friday)
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Courtney
Email contact -
Key information
Homework will be given out on a Friday and will be due back the following Friday. Homework will either be literacy, maths or topic based. Each week your child will also be given some spellings to practice. They will be tested on these spellings every Friday. Children can also practice spellings on
Your child’s PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday. Your child should come to school ready in their PE kits and trainers on these days.
Confident Year 3 readers will be able to choose a book from the school library. We have a new scanning system in the library. When children have finished reading a book, it will be scanned back in by a member of staff. Children can then take out a new book.
For most children in Year 3, we won't ask you to fill in a reading record/ books. However, please continue to read daily with your child whenever possible – aim for 20 minutes a day.
Some children, who are finding aspects of reading or phonics difficult, will continue to receive Little Wandle keep up sessions in small groups. They will also be given a reading record book. Please click on the link below to access the parent area on the Little Wandle website with information and ideas to support your child at home.
Phonics bloom have some fun games you can play at home:
Spellings on Edshed
Your child has a login and password for Edshed.
Each week we will assign them games to help them learn to spell both high frequency words and words related to a particular phoneme (sound). Please encourage them to play the spelling games. We are aiming to get the most points in the school!
Curriculum Information
Please click here to see our Spring Term newsletter.
Useful links
High Frequency Spellings
Times tables
We are working on x2 , x3, x 4, x 5, x 8 and x 10 in Year 3.
The following links may be useful.
Hit the buttonTimes tables me.ukTommy's-Trek-T
French - In Year 3 we start to learn French!
Here are some useful websites that will support your child's learning of French in school: