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GSO Test


Careful assessment and recording of attainment, along with effective monitoring of this data, is vital to ensuring the children’s progress. Assessment is an on-going process with teachers constantly reviewing the progress made by children in order to effectively plan the next steps in teaching. The assessment cycle at St. George’s has three main events throughout the year. Each term teachers carry out assessments to judge the children’s progress from previous results and towards future targets. These assessments include teacher observations, pupil dialogues on how the children view their learning and more formal tests where appropriate. This not only provides information on the achievements of the child but also about learning trends and attainment within the school.


The outcomes of these assessments are discussed with the leadership team to analyse performance and decide on any future action or support pupils may need. This information is also shared with parents at Parents’ Evenings in the autumn and spring terms and in a formal written report at the end of the summer term. We respect and welcome the views of parents regarding their children. Only by working together can we hope to provide the best for the child.